Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Abu Dhabi vid and a tedious English language lesson

There are two reasons I'm posting this: firstly, in case you've not already seen it, this is a cracking little video of this year's Abu Dhabi International Triathlon, featuring pros and age groupers, and capturing the spirit of the event. Secondly, I just really like the word 'featurette'. 

Although - if you'll allow me to straighten my 'Grammar Nazi' hat for a second - the -ette suffix is generally added to a word to imply 'smallness'; think kitchenette, cigarette, pipette. Alternatively, we borrow the French use which means adding -ette to a word makes it feminine: bachelorette, suffragette...

Not sure what the point of this grammar lesson is (this is what happens when I write a blog post in my five minutes off from editing a guide book), other than to point out that this video's official name 'mini-featurette' either makes it a 'tiny, tiny feature' or a 'small feminine feature', neither of which seems to be true. So, feel free to take this lesson in suffixes away with you, or just ignore it and whisper under you're breath "That Matt... what a twattette!"


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